"One Team, One Goal, No Limits"
Southern Nash Middle School
"One Team, One Goal, No Limits"
Message From the Principal
Good Evening Cobra Families,
Students will take the Math Check-In on Tuesday, February 18th and the Reading Check-In on Wednesday, February 19th. Please make sure students get a good nights rest, eats breakfast in the morning, and is at school on time. Please encourage your child to do their very best on these assessments, as they are used to help inform instruction.
Progress reports will go home with students Friday, February 21st.
All 8th grade parents and students, please come out and join us Thursday, February 19th from 5:00pm-7:00pm at Southern Nash High School for Curriculum Night. You will be able to view all the options SNHS has to offer our upcoming Firebirds!! Please enter through the front lobby, and the event will be held in the gym. We look forward to seeing you there!
Baseball and softball tryouts will continue Monday through Wednesday, February 17-19, from 3:30 to 5:30 PM. Soccer tryouts are scheduled for February 19-21, from 3:30 to 5:15 PM. Cross Country practice will be held daily until 5 PM. Please bring both indoor and outdoor gear, as rain is expected. Tryout dates may change due to weather conditions.
Thank you for your support,
Sonya Horton, Principal
Upcoming Important Dates
February 18th- Math Check-In
February 19th- Reading Check-In
February 21st - Term 3 Progress Reports Go Home
February 27th- 8th grade Visit to SNHS
February 28th- Dress Down Day
March 6th- Curriculum Night
March 14th- Dress Down Day & SPRING DANCE
March 19th - Early Release for Students at 1:00 / End of Term 3 Grading Period
March 20th-21st - Teacher Workdays - No School
March 28th- Behavior Celebration & Dress Down Day
April - A Honor Roll Field Trip to Stars and Stripes Bowling Alley
April - A/B Honor Roll Ice Cream Party
April 17th - Dress Down Day
February is Black History Month. During this month we celebrate Black Americans, past and present, who have made indelible contributions to U.S. and North Carolina history with their artistry, professional achievements, and community activism.
NCPS has switched student information systems over the summer. We are no longer using PowerSchool or Parent Portal; instead, we've transitioned to the new NCSIS, powered by Infinite Campus.
So, what does this mean for you? You will receive an email from Infinite Campus to set up your account. Parents and Guardians, please look for an email titled "NCPS Campus Parent User Account Activation." This email will contain a unique link that provides the activation code for each student.
What if I did not receive an email?
You can reach out to our data manager for support.
Will we still use Rooms? Absolutely! Rooms will continue to be used for communication between your child’s teacher and you, the guardian.
Will we still use the NCPS App? Yes! The NCPS App is on a different platform and is not changing.
The only difference is that PowerSchool Parent Portal is now Infinite Campus. What you were familiar with as Parent Portal is now called Campus Parent and Campus Student.
Campus Parent and Campus Student, the Infinite Campus web portals and mobile apps, provide parents, guardians, and students with real-time access to grades, attendance, assignments, and schedules.