Hello Firebird Families,
We survived the snow and survived a full week of school last week! Hopefully we are back on track for success. Here are a few important reminders to get you through next week and beyond! We will be back to regular schedule this upcoming week! Parents, please help us enforce our dress code, as it is getting warmer, we see more dress code violations, if you can address them before we do, it will be much appreciated.
Course registration forms went home last week. Ms. Thompson also emailed students instructions for completing the registration form, the Course Selection Guide, and graduation requirements. Please take some time this weekend to look over this information with your student. Registration forms should be signed by a parent or guardian and returned in homeroom next Wednesday!
March 3: Select 12th graders are taking the ACT WorkKeys Assessment
Also Winter Athletic Awards @ 6:00 PM - All Winter athletes are expected to attend. If you fail to attend you will not receive your senior athletic award at Senior Awards Night.
March 5: Updated: Curriculum Night for all students and 8th graders, 5:00 - 7:00 PM
FAFSA Support Night (en Espanol)(More information here for the FAFSA event, 12 graders)
March 11: All 11th graders will take the ACT Assessment
Senior Cap & Gown Pickup in Lobby during lunches
March 19th: Early Release Day; End of 3rd reporting period!
March 28: Junior and Senior Prom - Information
Tickets go on sale Monday, March 3rd. (All school fees must be taken care of before a prom ticket can be purchased).
April 12: Inaugural Athletic Hall of Fame Banquet, Tickets are on sale now.
Last, from the District CTE Director Chad Thompson, please be on the lookout for a link via email or text from the district about Guardian Account set-up in SchoolLinks, a powerful career and college planning tool that helps students and you - explore career interests, track college applications, and even build resumes. We are asking that all parents in Grades 7-13 create a Guardian Account in SchooLinks, where you can view your child’s progress and support their future career goals. If you have any questions please call us.
Let's make it a great week and as always remember to Love Southern and Live All In!