Student Services Updates:
Please review all of the Senior information provided below. You can also follow the SNHS Counseling Department on Instagram @snhscounseling for information on colleges, scholarships, careers, upcoming events, and more.
Cap and Gowns
Seniors can now order their caps, gowns, and other Senior items from Herff Jones. The Herff Jones packets are available in the main office if you do not already have one. You are only required to buy your cap, gown, and tassel to participate in the graduation ceremony. All other items for sale are optional.
Herff Jones Cap & Gown link
The FAFSA form opened December 1st. You can access it at By completing the FAFSA, you are applying for State and federal grants, scholarships, institutional funding, and federal student loans Click HERE to view FAFSA tutorial videos and HERE for other FAFSA resources. There will be several FAFSA workshops held throughout the county for those who need help completing the FAFSA. I will share more information with you as it becomes available.
Important: Linking your CommonApp and SchoolLinks Accounts
If you are applying to college using the CommonApp, you must link your CommonApp and SchoolLinks accounts before counselors and teachers can submit recommendation letters and transcripts. Let your counselor and recommenders know when you add them to your CommonApp. They do not know you need them to login and submit recommendation letters and transcripts if you do not tell them.
To access SchoolLinks you will go into your NCEdCloud, click on Clever, and then click on SchoolLinks. You can use the video below to show you how to link your accounts.
Available scholarships can be found on the Scholarship Information Spreadsheet. Please check the scholarship listings each week to see what is new. New scholarships will be posted throughout the year as I receive them.
Another way to find scholarships is by using the Scholarship Search Engines below.
Band App
Seniors and parents can click HERE to sign up for Band app to get reminders sent directly to their phones.
College Applications
You can apply to most NC colleges at
Most of you will have already created an account in homeroom last year. Make sure that your email address and your Student ID number are saved in your account profile
Go to -> click on Apply to College-> click on Application Hub->from here you will be able to select the college you want to complete an application for.
You can also send your transcript to colleges by using the CFNC Application Hub
For more information about the college application process visit
A few colleges such as NC State and UNC-Chapel Hill do not use CFNC. You will need to apply at
Residency Determination Service
As part of the college application process, you must go to and complete the Residency Determination Service. Take your time and be careful! This is how colleges determine whether you have to pay in-state or out-of-state tuition. There is a big difference in cost so don’t just guess at your answers! Your login information is the same as your account information. This needs to be done with a parent/guardian.
Helpful instructional video:
Transcripts can be sent to North Carolina colleges through A "how to" video is below. If you applied using the Common App your counselor will upload your transcript to Schoollinks as part of the School Report we have to submit. You have to link your CommonApp and SchoolLinks account for us to be able to do our parts though. Click here to send your transcript to an out-of-state college. If you need a transcript for a scholarship application please see Ms. Whitley in Student Services.
CFNC: Transcripts on
Contact Information
Counselor for Last Names A-F: Mrs. Thompson-
Counselor for Last Names G-O: Mrs. Avent-
Counselor for Last Names P-Z: Mrs. Jones-
Yearbook/Pictures: Mrs. Edwards
Senior Advisor: Mrs. Kennedy-
Technology Fees: Mrs. Pace-
Other Fees: Mrs. Jenkins-