Good Evening Cobra Families:
This is Sonya Horton, principal of Southern Nash Middle School, with the weekly announcements of Monday, January 29 - Friday, February, 2024.
We are off to a great start with our Candy Bar Fundraiser! The sale will end February 13th.
Please continue to encourage your child to work hard on their exact path.
Progress reports will be going home soon. Teachers will be sending at-risk letters home at this time. If you receive a letter, I encourage you to contact your child's teacher to set up a conference for next the steps. Please encourage your child to work hard daily and turn in assignments.
Parents if your child brings outside food to lunch or you bring them lunch, please make sure it is repackaged and not in the original container. We appreciate your support in the cafeteria.
Also parents, as we are working towards the end of the school year, please talk with your child about the importance of maintaining good behavior and being respectful to all. Misbehavior will not be tolerated at SNMS. Thank you for your support.
The district will be hosting an Advanced Placement Information Night Thursday, February 1st from 6:00pm-7:00pm at NCPS Central Office Auditorium.
Wresting will be home against Nash Central and Basketball will be away against Nash Central on Monday, January 29th.
Thank you so much parents for making sure your child is following the dress code daily. Hoodies should be SNMS colors only, and students should wear uniform approved pants. Here's the link for the dress/uniform code at SNMS,
Students are allowed to have their cell phones at school. However, they are expected to be turned off and in their bookbags during the school day.
Please remember that the front loop in the front of the building is for the buses. Please use the car line by the gym for drop off before 8:45am and pick up until 4:00pm. This is a safety concern for our students and buses.
We look forward to a wonderful week! Have a great evening!
Thank you,
Ms. Horton