Parents and Guardians,
This week your 3-5 student should have received his/her benchmark scores and percentage of attendance. Our goal is that each time your students takes a benchmark, these scores will increase. Please schedule a conference with your student's teacher if you have any questions on how to better support your student academically at home.
Congratulations to the following students who won the Benvenue Elementary Student Government Seats:
President: Christopher C
Vice President: Lauren J
Secretary: Jaceyon B.
Treasurer: Kymir W.
2024-2025 BES Yearbook
Our 24-25 Yearbook is now on sale. Early bird pricing is $20.00 until 12/20/24. After that date the cost goes up to $25 until 3/3/2025. You can send cash or check payable to "Benvenue Elementary" in the payment envelope attached to the bottom of the order form to your child's teacher. You can also order online at The online code is YB31310.
Accelerated Reader has begun for students in grades 1-5. Students have been assessed in their independent reading level and are encouraged to read libraries books and take the comprehension tests for 80% mastery. Teachers will share these levels with you Please encourage your student to bring home their library books to read nightly. Students will be able to take their tests the next day.Our goal is to increase stamina and increase grade level proficiency. You can also get additional books at the Braswell Library based on your student's reading level. You can check if there is an AR test on a particular book at AR Bookfinder-
Have a great week!
Kristen Tedford-Principal