Parents and Guardians,
We had another great week at BES! I am so proud of the students that have begun taking AR test to increasing their independent reading level. We had several students win the treasure chests from the Bookblast pictured above. We also started African Drumming with Ms Patterson and Pittman.
Benvenue Elementary Fall Fundraiser
We will not be selling World's Finest Chocolate bars this year for our school fundraiser. Instead we are sending home October calendars where families can simply ask for donations based on calendar dates. Below is how the fundraiser works: Families ask friends and family to “pick a date” from your calendar as a donation to BES. For example, if they pick the 20th then they would donate $20 to the school. Once they select a date, write their name on the calendar. Contributors can pick more than one date from your calendar.
Your goal is to have all of your “dates picked.”
You may fill more than one calendar. You must turn in a complete calendar and donations ($496) to receive another one.
You may accept cash or checks payable to “Benvenue Elem.”
Proceeds from this fundraiser will be used for PBIS celebrations, student incentives & prizes, staff recognition, and classroom supplies.
Calendars & donations are due October 31. Each calendar is in a plastic sleeve that can be used for collecting and returning money.
All Pro Dads Breakfast - October 22, 2024 - 7:20am - 7:55pm
Due to high participation, you must RSVP for this event by Tuesday, October 8th. Please scan the QR code on the flyer or click the link below to RSVP.
Canned Goods Drive
Our school is collecting canned goods for the Bassett Center. This organization is a nonprofit that helps homeless and hungry children, families and individuals in Rocky Mount, Nash and Edgecombe Counties. Canned goods donations will be accepted 10/1 -10/21. Please make sure that you check the expiration dates. The class that collects the most canned goods will be treated to a pizza or ice cream party. We can only accept canned goods. Thank you in advance for supporting the Bassett Center!
2024-2025 BES Yearbook
Our 24-25 Yearbook is now on sale. Early bird pricing is $20.00 until 12/20/24. After that date the cost goes up to $25 until 3/3/2025. You can send cash or check payable to "Benvenue Elementary" in the payment envelope attached to the bottom of the order form to your child's teacher. You can also order online at The online code is YB31310.
Accelerated Reader will begin for students in grades 1-5. Students have been assessed in their independent reading level and are encouraged to read libraries books and take the comprehension tests for 80% mastery. Teachers will share these levels with you Please encourage your student to bring home their library books to read nightly. Students will be able to take their tests the next day.Our goal is to increase stamina and increase grade level proficiency. You can also get additional books at the Braswell Library based on your student's reading level. You can check if there is an AR test on a particular book at AR Bookfinder-
Have a great week!
Kristen Tedford-Principal